Thursday 25 February 2016

Location & Sneak Peeks

Hey guys, I wanted to show you some shots of locations that we are using in our thriller opening and this helps create a picture in your head of what our thriller may be like! There is a shot of the muddy track which will be in our thriller opening to show the way to our main location (the cabin) which the majority of the thriller will be filmed in. The other shot is the log cabin itself (well inside of it) which is actually located in Charlie's garden but, we are making out it is in the woods, which is why we include clips at the start of our thriller opening including the tracks and fields to help set the scene.

The picture inside the cabin shows who the characters were going to be (excluding me and Brooke) before we had to make changes. Now Callie the blonde hair girl on the right isn't in the film, neither is Ellie, the dark haired girl on the right. The shot gives you a sneak peek into what we are doing and what props we are using.

I will be filming again on Friday as we STILL HAVEN'T FINISHED, so I will update you afterwards on how it goes! See you soon, thanks for reading!

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Filming Day 4!

Hey everyone!
Filming day 4 was a SUCCESS.. although we haven't completely finished filming, we did get the majority of it finished and only need around 10 seconds left of filming which we will do Friday and then hopefully we can just edit, edit and edit from the onwards!

We've have tried to include as many shots as possible in our thriller opening (to make up for the poor acting;)!) and it took us so long because as we are filming in the evening it goes dark very quickly so we have to think our shots through thoroughly and make sure we don't make any mistakes which will look bad in the film, e.g. different lighting. One of our characters couldn't make it on this day of filming so we have had to switch around some roles again but it's worked out better than we expected thankfully!

The camera did die on us (again) but it was ok, by this time we needed to stop as it was getting late so we planned our next filming session and have made a list of the shots we need! We will do some editing before the next filming day though but, this is a good thing as we are able to spot any mistakes or see if we are unhappy with any shots so we can re-film them. My fingers are aching now so I'm going to leave you guys but I have said everything I wanted to..

BYE :)

Monday 15 February 2016

Filming Day 3!

Hey guys! Today was A LONG day, we got some much done however, one of our characters is on holiday so we've had to switch around roles but that wasn't too bad. Anyway we did around 2/3 hours of filming I think,, the time flew by and we wanted to do more because we were on a role but, sadly it got to late in the day and the sun had gone in so it was too dark to do the rest of our shots!

We managed to get around 3/4 of what we needed done so, we're going to meet up one more time in the next week, try get the final pieces and then we can start editing our thriller opening, EEEK!! We've already edited and put together the first 10/20 seconds which is our setting and intro type part of the film, then the rest we are able to start editing on Monday when we are back at school (it's currently half term). Once we have got all our shots and whilst we're editing it we can see which parts we don't like, whether we want to take parts out, add some in and then we can plan another meet up and film them parts!

I'm so excited to see the final product and I hope everyone else is too! I'll update you with my 'Filming Day 4' which like I said, should be in the next week or so! (But it is difficult to find times when everyone is free!!)

See you soon :D

Friday 5 February 2016

Filming Day 2!

I am back with filming day NUMBER 2! Basically our thriller opening will start with an establishing shot of the woods and then a few clips of inside the woods, a footpath, a river etc to set the scene so, that's what today's filming consisted of! The four of us, me, Brooke, Charlie and Eloise met up at Charlie's house with our filming gear and then off we went! However it was FREEZING so.. of course.. we put our onesies on! For anyone who doesn't know what a onesie is, it is basically a one-piece pyjamas outfit and they are so comfy and cosy! So we all put our onesies and wellies on and started to walk to the woods.

Me and Eloise thought it was a 2 minute walk but, turned out it was about 1/2 a mile away and it was over fields so you can imagine how muddy and sludgy we got!! IT WAS AWFUL! But at least we got the shots we needed! I took so so many clips and shots, obviously we won't need them all but I wanted to take a range so we could just pick and choose the best ones. 

I got a long, panning like shot of a track which I thought we could put at the start and put synchronising music in the background and then a few long shots of the river, the woods from the outside and just tree's so we can show people where the cabin is supposed to be located! Charlie and Brooke got a long shot of the cabin which we will then slot in after this shots or even in between it so it sets the scene.

This part of the filming didn't take too long but we did have to go in the day light because obviously, there is no street lights in a woods so we couldn't go at night! So we're going to have to edit the clips, change the brightness and saturation so that it looks darker but that won't be too hard!

Anyway that was our second day of filming, I will be sure to update you when we have done filming day 3 but I don't think that'll be till next week because we can't find any time sooner where everyone is free. See you next time guys :)

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Filming Day 1!

Hey everyone! I got in about an hour ago from filming, I am so tired..

Today was our first day filming, we booked our DSLR and tripod and we all meet at Charlie's at around 5, including the people who are acting in our thriller so: me, Charlie, Brooke, Ellie, Callie, Leah, Brad and Eloise. We are filming the majority of our thriller in Charlie's log cabin in her garden so if I keep saying in all my blogs 'we met at Charlie's house' that's why.

It wasn't the best day of filming I admit, we didn't realise how bad the lighting would be if we filmed when it was dark outside so the shot's we did take aren't great (we think we're going to redo them).We did get a chance to tell everyone what the plot is, who's acting and what everyone needs to do in each shot so it wasn't completely unsuccessful.

ALSO the tripod we had booked was broken!! So every time we tried to film without someone being behind the camera, the broken leg would start slowly collapsing and the camera would move to another angle so that was another negative of the night. Oh and another thing was that we only had one battery so the camera died after about an hour so we didn't get as much filmed as we wanted.

At least we were able to see what wasn't going right and what was, now we can change things. For example we are going to film in day light because then the lighting won't be off and because we have no windows in the cabin shots (inside), you won't be able to tell it is daytime. Also we will check before taking the tripod to film, that it ins't broken and we will pick up more than one battery so that we can film for a longer period of time. This way our next filming day should be more successful!

I hope you enjoyed reading all my failures of the day haha! I'll see you soon with my second filming day, it should be some time this week, bye!