Friday 5 February 2016

Filming Day 2!

I am back with filming day NUMBER 2! Basically our thriller opening will start with an establishing shot of the woods and then a few clips of inside the woods, a footpath, a river etc to set the scene so, that's what today's filming consisted of! The four of us, me, Brooke, Charlie and Eloise met up at Charlie's house with our filming gear and then off we went! However it was FREEZING so.. of course.. we put our onesies on! For anyone who doesn't know what a onesie is, it is basically a one-piece pyjamas outfit and they are so comfy and cosy! So we all put our onesies and wellies on and started to walk to the woods.

Me and Eloise thought it was a 2 minute walk but, turned out it was about 1/2 a mile away and it was over fields so you can imagine how muddy and sludgy we got!! IT WAS AWFUL! But at least we got the shots we needed! I took so so many clips and shots, obviously we won't need them all but I wanted to take a range so we could just pick and choose the best ones. 

I got a long, panning like shot of a track which I thought we could put at the start and put synchronising music in the background and then a few long shots of the river, the woods from the outside and just tree's so we can show people where the cabin is supposed to be located! Charlie and Brooke got a long shot of the cabin which we will then slot in after this shots or even in between it so it sets the scene.

This part of the filming didn't take too long but we did have to go in the day light because obviously, there is no street lights in a woods so we couldn't go at night! So we're going to have to edit the clips, change the brightness and saturation so that it looks darker but that won't be too hard!

Anyway that was our second day of filming, I will be sure to update you when we have done filming day 3 but I don't think that'll be till next week because we can't find any time sooner where everyone is free. See you next time guys :)

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