Tuesday 2 February 2016

Filming Day 1!

Hey everyone! I got in about an hour ago from filming, I am so tired..

Today was our first day filming, we booked our DSLR and tripod and we all meet at Charlie's at around 5, including the people who are acting in our thriller so: me, Charlie, Brooke, Ellie, Callie, Leah, Brad and Eloise. We are filming the majority of our thriller in Charlie's log cabin in her garden so if I keep saying in all my blogs 'we met at Charlie's house' that's why.

It wasn't the best day of filming I admit, we didn't realise how bad the lighting would be if we filmed when it was dark outside so the shot's we did take aren't great (we think we're going to redo them).We did get a chance to tell everyone what the plot is, who's acting and what everyone needs to do in each shot so it wasn't completely unsuccessful.

ALSO the tripod we had booked was broken!! So every time we tried to film without someone being behind the camera, the broken leg would start slowly collapsing and the camera would move to another angle so that was another negative of the night. Oh and another thing was that we only had one battery so the camera died after about an hour so we didn't get as much filmed as we wanted.

At least we were able to see what wasn't going right and what was, now we can change things. For example we are going to film in day light because then the lighting won't be off and because we have no windows in the cabin shots (inside), you won't be able to tell it is daytime. Also we will check before taking the tripod to film, that it ins't broken and we will pick up more than one battery so that we can film for a longer period of time. This way our next filming day should be more successful!

I hope you enjoyed reading all my failures of the day haha! I'll see you soon with my second filming day, it should be some time this week, bye!

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