Saturday, 19 March 2016

Colour changing my thriller shots

In the past few weeks you'll probably know that me and my group have been editing our thriller opening and as we are new to 'Premiere Pro' which is the editing programme we use (as well as after effects) we only know the basics on how to edit! So, using youtube or google to find out how to do specific things is very ideal, for example, I wanted to change the colour of someone's eyes in one of the clips (if you want to see, you'll have to wait until I upload the final thriller opening;)!). Anyway, as I didn't know how to change the colour of certain objects I thought it would be best to use youtube and I simply typed in 'Premiere Pro How To Change The Colour Of Objects' and a range of tutorials appear but, here's the one I watched..


 I also googled the question as well because the clip looked quite old and I think Premiere Pro has been updated since so just to be sure, I looked on this website too! It's pretty straight forward when someone explains it to you but, its much easier than trying to figure it out yourself! If you're interested here is the link to the website!

Friday, 18 March 2016

Filming for the final time!

Hi guys, I've not updated you in a while about my filming schedule and what I've been up to for my thriller opening video! Once me and my group had done our 4 days of filming previously, we edited it bit by bit but, we decided it wasn't long enough! The criteria asks for a 2 minute (average) thriller opening but ours, once edited and cut, only turned out to be 1 minute and 20 seconds so, obviously we had a problem!

What we decided was that we'd film an extra 30 seconds or so without the previous cast members, just showing our mystery murderer and at the end of our 1 minute and 20 seconds clips we will add a shot saying '12 hours earlier" and show the murderer preparing themselves! We thought this was the best way to extend our opening and it goes into a bit more depth about the murderer, whereas before they were only shown for a couple of seconds!

Anyway, hopefully by the end of this upcoming week our thriller opening will be FINISHED! Finally after all this time and hard work we will finally have a finished thriller opening which I will be able to post on here!

I hope you're as excited as I am! See you then ;)